KIBM Related Publications
Marmosets: A Neuroscientific Model of Human Social Behavior.. Neuron. 90(2):219-33.
2016. Optogenetic manipulation of neural circuits in awake marmosets.. J Neurophysiol. 116(3):1286-94.
2016. Paradox of pattern separation and adult neurogenesis: A dual role for new neurons balancing memory resolution and robustness.. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 129:60-8.
2016. Swimming Microrobot Optical Nanoscopy.. Nano Lett. 16(10):6604-6609.
2016. Temporal and spatial tuning of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus neurons in unanesthetized rats.. J Neurophysiol. 115(5):2658-71.
2016. Children's Task-Switching Efficiency: Missing Our Cue? Journal of Cognition and Development. 16:261–285.
2015. Creating Patient-Specific Neural Cells for the In Vitro Study of Brain Disorders.. Stem Cell Reports. 5(6):933-45.
2015. Differential responses to lithium in hyperexcitable neurons from patients with bipolar disorder.. Nature. 527(7576):95-9.
2015. Distinct neural correlates of emotional and cognitive empathy in older adults.. Psychiatry Res. 232(1):42-50.
2015. From suffering to caring: a model of differences among older adults in levels of compassion.. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 30(2):185-91.
2015. Genes and Behavior: Lessons from the fruit fly. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences.
2015. High-throughput and quantitative approaches for measuring circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria using bioluminescence.. Methods Enzymol. 551:53-72.
2015. The marmoset monkey as a model for visual neuroscience.. Neurosci Res. 93:20-46.
2015. Mean signal and response time influences on multivoxel signals of contextual retrieval in the medial temporal lobe.. Brain Behav. 5(2):e00302.
2015. Motion dependence of smooth pursuit eye movements in the marmoset.. J Neurophysiol. 113(10):3954-60.
2015. Primate-specific ORF0 contributes to retrotransposon-mediated diversity.. Cell. 163(3):583-93.
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2015. Active vision in marmosets: a model system for visual neuroscience.. J Neurosci. 34(4):1183-94.
2014. Age-related changes in tissue signal properties within cortical areas important for word understanding in 12- to 19-month-old infants.. Cereb Cortex. 24(7):1948-55.
2014. Atypical right hemisphere specialization for object representations in an adolescent with specific language impairment.. Front Hum Neurosci. 8:82.
2014. California can lead the way on brain research. Sacramento Bee Viewpoint.
2014. Changes in GABA and glutamate concentrations during memory tasks in patients with Parkinson's disease undergoing DBS surgery.. Front Hum Neurosci. 8:81.
2014. Covariate-modulated local false discovery rate for genome-wide association studies.. Bioinformatics. 30(15):2098-104.
2014. Gamma band activity and the P3 reflect post-perceptual processes, not visual awareness.. Neuroimage. 101:337-50.
2014. Inhibitory motor control based on complex stopping goals relies on the same brain network as simple stopping.. Neuroimage. 103:225-34.
2014. Nerve growth factor is primarily produced by GABAergic neurons of the adult rat cortex.. Front Cell Neurosci. 8:220.
2014. Neural language processing in adolescent first-language learners.. Cereb Cortex. 24(10):2772-83.
2014. Non-cell-autonomous mechanism of activity-dependent neurotransmitter switching.. Neuron. 82(5):1004-16.
2014. Prospective Optimization.. Proc IEEE Inst Electr Electron Eng. 102(5)
2014. Sparse and distributed coding of episodic memory in neurons of the human hippocampus.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(26):9621-6.
2014. Speech-specific tuning of neurons in human superior temporal gyrus.. Cereb Cortex. 24(10):2679-93.
2014. Tool morphology constrains the effects of tool use on body representations.. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 40(6):2143-53.
2014. Using single-trial EEG to predict and analyze subsequent memory.. Neuroimage. 84:712-23.
2014. Activity-dependent competition regulates motor neuron axon pathfinding via PlexinA3.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(4):1524-9.
2013. Brain initiative a unique opportunity for San Diego. San Diego Union Tribune.
2013. A comprehensive wiring diagram of the protocerebral bridge for visual information processing in the Drosophila brain.. Cell Rep. 3(5):1739-53.
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