YKavli April Lunch - POSTPONED

Event Dates (Pacific Time): 
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

This event has been postponed due to the potential transmission of Covid-19, or Coronavirus. Your attendance is very important to us, but our first priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We are in the process of scheduling the new date. Please check back soon for details.

The Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) hosts meetings for early career researchers to help foster their research community at UCSD. Our goal is to bring early career researchers (non-faculty) together so they can meet, network and share research. This event is open only to EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS (grad student/ postdoc/ project scientist).

This luncheon consists of a few short, informal talks by early career researchers, followed by a networking social hour. Lunch will be provided by KIBM.


Ben Holloway - Regulation of sympathetic tone and arterial pressure via the rostral ventrolateral medulla​

Linjing Feng​ - Deep Learning-based super resolution on point scanning imaging systems​

Please RSVP at https://ykavliapr20.eventbrite.com

Chair: Rick McCosh