KIBM Giving Opportunities
Support of the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind is vital for assuring the maximum impact possible of our work. Your contribution will build our capacity to catalyze innovative research, create connections between scientists in a variety of disciplines, and foster the long-term prospects of emerging scientists focused on the brain and mind.
Give Online
Give now by credit card through our convenient and secure online giving website.
Fred Kavli Endowment Fund (3769)
Endowment fund to support KIBM's research and programmatic initiatives.
Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (3796)
Current use fund to support KIBM's research and programmatic initiatives.
Give by Mail
Please make checks payable to the “UC San Diego Foundation" with the appropriate gift name and number listed above written in the memo line. Gifts can be mailed to:
UC San Diego Gift Processing
9500 Gilman Drive #0940
La Jolla, CA 92093-0940