YKavli (Early Career Researchers)

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YKavli Mission

Our goal is to bring early career researchers (grad students, postdocs, staff researchers, assistant project scientists, non-faculty) together so they can meet, network and share research. YKavli hosts networking & research lunches and happy hours during the academic year. Additionally, YKavli hosts an annual retreat focused on job skills or career development.

We are always looking for presenters for the regular lunch and happy hour meetings – email kibm@ucsd.edu if you are interested. Presentations are 20-30 minutes, casual, open to discussion, and can include job talks, previous research, troubleshooting, and paper reviews.

Check back regularly for new meeting dates to be posted or subscribe to the Mailing List to receive event announcements.

Join YKavli on Slack, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Upcoming YKavli Events

There are currently no upcoming events.

Past YKavli Events

Displaying 26 - 30 of 44 past events. Click on each event name for more information.

Datesort descending Event
Nov 28, 2018 - 5:00pm YKavli November Happy Hour
Jan 16, 2019 - 12:00pm YKavli January Lunch
Feb 6, 2019 - 5:00pm How to Network - presented by YKavli & Salk
Mar 13, 2019 - 12:00pm YKavli March Lunch
Apr 10, 2019 - 12:00pm YKavli April Lunch



  • Alternative Muscle Club:
    provides an opportunity for young investigators in the academic, industry and medical sectors to present their work in a more relaxed environment. Its main goal is to build connections in the research community, and help learn about projects from other research laboratories and organizations.

  • BioEASI (Bio Education and Art for Science Innovation):
    a group of scientists from the University California, San Diego Division of Biological Sciences and the Salk Institute that are aiming to engage and educate the public on the newest scientific innovations.

  • Engaged Teaching Hub, Teaching + Learning Commons:
    university-wide resource that supports and facilitates excellence in teaching and learning through integration, connection, and ongoing assessment of initiatives leading to an engaged and inclusive educational environment.

  • Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum Berlin:
    topics relevant for senior postdocs and newly appointed PIs who want to start their own lab.

  • Graduate Student Events:
    a comprehensive resource for graduate students on campus.

  • grAdvantage:
    developed with input from industry leaders in the San Diego Community and provides a suite of resources to help participants develop essential leadership, teamwork and communication skills to become successful leaders in their field.

  • KIBM Innovative Research Grant Opportunities:
    solicits proposals for the support of innovative interdisciplinary research.

  • NeuWrite:
    a collaborative group of scientists from the UCSD Neurosciences, Psychology, and Cognitive Science departments. Meets every other week to critique writing samples, discuss science communication, and plan events to bring science to the community.

  • Postdoc Association:
    postdocs who volunteer their time to enhance the postdoctoral experience by organizing professional development programs and networking opportunities.

  • Research Communications Program:
    draws on scholarship in the sciences, science communication, science education, the arts and other fields to provide the guiding theoretical perspective and the practical experience that is critical to communicating effectively with a wide range of audiences, including those with questions or concerns about the methods, findings or implications of scientific research.

  • Young Investigator Funding Opportunities:
    a variety of available funding opportunities to get started with private support.