Event Dates (Pacific Time):
Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PMThe Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) hosts meetings for early career researchers to help foster their research community at UCSD. Our goal is to bring early career researchers (non-faculty) together so they can meet, network and share research. This event is open only to EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS (grad student/ postdoc/ project scientist).
Please Note: This meeting will be held online via Zoom.
Event Chairs: Richard McCosh and Sia Ahmadi
Linjing Fang – Deep Learning-based super resolution on point scanning imaging systems
Abstract: Point scanning imaging systems are perhaps the most widely used tools for high resolution cellular and tissue imaging. These systems benefit from the unique ability to arbitrarily set the pixel resolution of an image during acquisition. However, the optimal pixel resolution, speed, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of point scanning systems are in tension with one another. Here we introduce a novel framework for restoring low SNR, low pixel resolution images to high SNR, high resolution images, which we term point-scanning super-resolution (PSSR). To address the limitations and costs associated with generating training data, we developed a ‘crappifier’ that generates semi-synthetic training data from pre-existing high-resolution datasets. Remarkably, our models could restore undersampled images acquired with different optics, detectors, samples, or sample preparation methods. For high spatiotemporal live cell imaging of mitochondrial dynamics, we developed a semi-synthetic multiframe training approach that facilitates otherwise impossible results with a normal point-scanning confocal microscope. In conclusion, PSSR facilitates point-scanning image acquisition with otherwise unattainable resolution, speed, and sensitivity.
Ben Holloway – How does the brain regulate blood pressure?
Abstract: The rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) is a critical brainstem region for the regulation of sympathetic activity, blood pressure, and cardiac output—though the neurons that carry out these roles remain debated. A strong candidate is barosensitive pre-sympathetic neurons, historically split into two groups, based on presence (C1) or lack of catecholamines (non-C1). C1 neurons are by far the better studied group, and the roles non-C1 neurons play in cardiovascular control—if any—remain unknown. Therefore, we sought to establish whether non-catecholaminergic pre-sympathetic neurons within the RVLM could participate in regulation of blood pressure. Here we show that optogenetic stimulation of RVLM increases blood pressure in conscious mice, even after lesion of C1 neurons. Under anesthesia, optogenetic stimulation of spinal axons from RVLM increases blood pressure in C1-lesioned mice. In conscious mice with C1 intact, optogenetic stimulation of spinally-projecting RVLM neurons increases blood pressure, however stimulation of C1 alone does not. Finally, we show that optogenetic inhibition of RVLM spinal axons lowers blood pressure in anesthetized mice. Collectively these data demonstrate that non-catecholaminergic bulbospinal neurons are capable of controlling blood pressure in conscious mice independent of C1, and that their activity is required for blood pressure maintenance in anesthetized mice.