Event Dates (Pacific Time):
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PMVenue Space:
UCSD – Applied Physics & Mathematics Annex, Room 1882
The Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) hosts meetings for early career researchers to help foster their research community at UCSD. Our goal is to bring early career researchers (non-faculty) together so they can meet, network and share research. This event is open only to EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS (grad student/ postdoc/ project scientist).
Come enjoy a drink, hear a talk and get to know other early career researchers! The talk will be followed by a social hour with beverages and munchies, provided by KIBM.
Event Chair: Dinghong Zhang
Rui Liu, PhD – Deep layer cortical circuits underlying active sensing revealed by adaptive optics two-photon imaging
Rui Liu, PhD., is currently a post-doc from the Kleinfeld lab in the Department of Physics at UC San Diego. His research focuses on developing advanced optical tools to study the neuronal mechanism of sensory perception.
ABSTRACT: Tactile-based active sensing by rodents involves the integration of touch and self-motion at the cellular level. In the mouse vibrissa cortex, L4 and L5b are directly driven by lemniscal thalamic inputs. L5b also serves as an output layer for subcortical regions. It remains unclear how deep layer cortical circuits compute, represent and output specific parameters of active sensation. By advancing two-photon microscopy with adaptive optics, we are able to image the input and output layers (L4 and L5b) of the mouse vibrissa cortex during active sensing and to address two questions:
1. How is the vibrissae self-motion represented by thalamocortical inputs and decoded by cortical circuits in L4 and L5b?
2. How is the external touch input integrated with the self-motion signal by L5b circuits for subsequent output?