Event Dates (Pacific Time):
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PMVenue Space:
The Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) hosts meetings for early career researchers to help foster their research community at UCSD. Our goal is to bring early career researchers (non-faculty) together so they can meet, network and share research. This event is open only to EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS (grad student/ postdoc/ project scientist).
This luncheon consists of a few short, informal talks by early career researchers, followed by a networking social hour. Lunch will be provided by KIBM.
Event Chairs: Marta Pratelli and Shams Al-Azzam
Sumitash Jana – Unexpected sounds increase exploration
Sage Aronson – Discussion
Sage works in Roberto Malinow’s lab where he utilizes state of the art optogenetics and electrophysiological methods to better understand the neural circuits involved in evaluating whether an experience is good or bad. Notably, these circuits are disrupted in a depressed state. He also started a successful company manufacturing a special type of microscope that allows researchers to record the activity of specific brain regions in a freely moving animal.
Eventbrite link: https://ykavlijan18.eventbrite.com