Event Sessions
1:00pm Ralph Greenspan
Overview of CBAM
1:15pm Patrick Mercier
Modular, High-Density Neurotechnology-on-Chip
1:30pm Ania Jayich
Diamond-based Quantum Sensors for Neural Imaging on the Nanoscale
1:45pm Mu-Han Yang
Non-degenerate Multiphoton Microscopy for Deep Brain Imaging
2:00pm Joaquin Rapela
Characterizing Computations by Neural Ensembles at the Millimeter Scale from Very High-density Electrocorticography Recordings
2:15pm Ebrahim Forati
Discerning Neurotransmitters Using Functionalized Nanoparticles
2:30pm Afternoon Break
2:45pm Philbert Tsai
Ultra-large Field Two-Photon Microscopy
3:00pm Vikash Gilja
Continuous 24-Hour Human Electrophysiology
3:15pm Michael J. Heller
Next Generation Diagnostics for Brain Disease and Pathology
3:30pm Qian Ma
3D Ganglion Image by Simultaneous Illumination and Detection at Multiple Focal Planes
3:45pm Shadi Dayeh
Multi-contact Minimally Invasive 3D Micropillar Arrays on Flexible Conformal Substrates
4:00pm Sadik Esener
Nano Cages For Neurotransmitter Mapping