Event Sessions
Assessing the utility of deep learning models on decoding functionally relevant brain signals
Weiqi Zhao
Quantifying neuronal signal flow in behaving zebrafish
Matthew Lovett-Barron
The effect of dietary withdrawal on Histone Dopaminylation in the brain
Rizaldy Zapata
Inhibitory signaling and working memory in Drosophila
Dhruv Grover
Low-dimensional neuronal population dynamics tied to complex vocal behavior
Ezequiel M. Arneodo
Probing the black box in human cognition and machine learning: representation of specialized processing of speech and music in brains and deep neural networks
Tzu-Han Zoe Cheng
Perturbations to Synaptic Energy Efficiency During Age-Related Cognitive Decline in the Marmoset
Christopher Lee
Structural plasticity and neurogenesis during continual learning in the olfactory bulb
Bin Yu