Innovative Research Grants (IRG) Award Recipients
Reinterpreting Heart Attacks: Myocardial Infarction as a Neuroimmune Stress Disorder [$50,000]
Vineet Augustine, UCSD Neurobiology
Monique Smith, UCSD Neurobiology
Kevin R. King, UCSD Bioengineering
The Role of Aged Astrocytes in the Regulation of Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Function [$50,000]
Nicola Allen, Salk Institute
Lara Labarta-Bajo, Salk Institute
Axel Nimmerjahn, Salk Institute
Erin Carey, Salk Institute
Chemogenetic dissection of NMDA receptor subunit contributions to the antidepressant-like actions of ketamine [$50,000]
Matthew Banghart, UCSD Neurobiology
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Neurobiology
Genetic transformation of the sweat bees for studying the neural origin of sociality [$50,000]
Kenta Asahina, Salk Institute
Michael Perry, UCSD Biological Sciences
Wiring the Multilingual Mind: Neural Bases of Speech Category Learning [$50,000]
Tim Gentner, UCSD Psychology
Marc Garellek, UCSD Linguistics
Mingxiong Huang, UCSD Radiology and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Benjamin Lang, UCSD Linguistics
Will Styler, UCSD Linguistics
Bending the Mind by Gut Bacteria: Exploring Commensal Microbiota's Role in Feeding Regulation [$50,000]
Jing Wang, UCSD Neurobiology
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Neurobiology
mGlu4 receptors heterodimers effects on dendritic spines during anhedonia [$50,000]
Francesco Fazio, UCSD Psychiatry
Takaki Komiyama, UCSD Neurobiology
Douglas Sheffler, Sanford Burnham Prebys
Integrating Nanotechnology for Multi-Site Neuronal Recordings [$50,000]
Brenda Bloodgood, UCSD Neurobiology
Zeinab Jahed, UCSD NanoEngineering
Einollah Sarikhani, UCSD NanoEngineering
Keivan Rahmani, UCSD NanoEngineering
Diego Alvarez, UCSD Neurobiology
Epigenomic dynamics of neurotransmitter co-expression and switching in single neurons [$50,000]
Eran Mukamel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Nicholas Spitzer, UCSD Neurobiology
Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku, UCSD Psychology
Marta Pratelli, UCSD Neurobiology
Dominic Burrows, UCSD Cognitive Science
Allen Wang, UCSD Center for Epigenomics
The mind of a moving body: perception of self-motion in jumping marmoset monkeys [$50,000]
Nicholas Dotson, Salk Institute
John Reynolds, Salk Institute
Julio Martinez-Trujillo, Western University Physiology and Pharmacology, and Robarts Research Institute
Talmo Pereira, Salk Institute
Spatiotemporal Multiplexed Miniscopes at kHz speeds [$50,000]
Nicholas Antipa, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gal Mishne, UCSD Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
Investigating the multisensory ontogeny of social behavior [$50,000]
Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku, UCSD Psychology
Cory Root, UCSD Neurobiology
The shape of breathing: respiration asymmetries causally shape hippocampal oscillation waveform [$40,000]
Eena Kosik, UCSD Cognitive Science
Bradley Voytek, UCSD Cognitive Science
Sharona Ben-Haim, UCSD Neurological Surgery
Irene Rembado, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Functional development of motor neuron wiring in early life [$50,000]
Stacey Glasgow, UCSD Neurobiology
Matthew Lovett-Barron, UCSD Neurobiology
Mechanisms and outcomes of selective vulnerability of dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s disease [$50,000]
Stefan Leutgeb, UCSD Neurobiology
Gulcin Pekkurnaz, UCSD Neurobiology
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Neurobiology
Padmini Rangamani, UCSD Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
You are here: A cross-species approach to defining the coordination of first-person and top-down views of the environment [$50,000]
Ryan Place, UCSD Cognitive Science
Douglas Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
Federico Rossano, UCSD Cognitive Science
What are thoughts made of? Dusting neural fingerprints of internal representations using phenomenology and information-based neuroimaging [$50,000]
Ana Chkhaidze, UCSD Cognitive Science
Anastasia Kiyonaga, UCSD Cognitive Science
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Lera Boroditsky, UCSD Cognitive Science
How the size and shape of sensory dendrites influence chemosensory function [$50,000]
Chih-Ying Su, UCSD Neurobiology
Johnatan Aljadeff, UCSD Neurobiology
Assessing the balance between centralized and peripheral information processing: Insights from invertebrate cephalopods [$50,000]
Dimitri Deheyn, UCSD Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Johnatan Aljadeff, Neurobiology
Dynamic Decision-Making in Freely Moving Marmosets [$50,000]
Christina Gremel, UCSD Psychology
Cory Miller, UCSD Psychology
Discriminating behavioral algorithms with neural data via a dynamical consistency analysis [$50,000]
Marcelo G. Mattar, UCSD Cognitive Science
Marcus K. Benna, UCSD Neurobiology
Ji-An Li, UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program
Personalized “avatars” for the brain: Towards a genetically and developmentally informed brain atlas [$50,000]
Diana Smith, UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program
Terry L. Jernigan, UCSD Cognitive Science, Psychiatry and Radiology
Anders M. Dale, UCSD Radiology, Neuroscience and Psychiatry
Jingjing Zou, UCSD Family Medicine and Public Health
Kyung (Kay) Rhee, UCSD Clinical Pediatrics
Recruitment of GABAergic neurons to a dopaminergic phenotype brings new hopes for neurotransmitter replacement in Parkinson’s disease [$50,000]
Davide Dulcis, UCSD Psychiatry
Martina Ulivieri, UCSD Psychiatry
Giordano Lippi, Scripps Research Neuroscience
The effect of dietary withdrawal on Histone Dopaminylation in the brain [$50,000]
Olivia Osborn, UCSD Medicine
Francesca Telese, UCSD Medicine
Perturbations to Synaptic Energy Efficiency During Age-Related Cognitive Decline in the Marmoset [$50,000]
Christopher T. Lee, UCSD MAE
John Reynolds, Salk Institute
Courtney Glavis-Bloom, Salk Institute
Casey Vanderlip, Salk Institute
Uri Manor, Salk Institute
Sammy Weiser Novak, Salk Institute
Padmini Rangamani, UCSD MAE
Miriam K. Bell, UCSD MAE
Mayte Bonilla-Quintana, UCSD MAE
Temporal neuronal population dynamics underlying learned, sequential, natural communication [$50,000]
Ezequiel M. Arneodo, UCSD Psychology
Pablo Tostado Marcos, UCSD Bioengineering
Tim Gentner, UCSD Psychology
Vikash Gilja, UCSD ECE
Imaging and quantifying neuromodulatory signal flow in behaving animals [$50,000]
Matthew Lovett-Barron, UCSD Neurobiology
Mikio Aoi, UCSD Neurobiology and HDSI
Linking Individual Differences to the Brain’s Temporal Dynamics Fingerprint [$50,000]
Weiqi Zhao, UCSD Cognitive Science
Zhuowen Tu, UCSD Cognitive Science and CSE
Deanna Greene, UCSD Cognitive Science
Anders Dale, UCSD Neurosciences, Radiology, and Cognitive Science
Probing the black box in human cognition and machine learning: emergence of specialized processing of speech and music in brains and ResNets [$50,000]
Tzu-Han Zoe Cheng, UCSD Cognitive Science
Kuan-Lin Chen, UCSD ECE
John R. Iversen, UCSD Institute for Neural Computation
Timothy T. Brown, UCSD Neurosciences
Structural plasticity and neurogenesis during continual learning in the olfactory bulb [$50,000]
Marcus K. Benna, UCSD Neurobiology
Takaki Komiyama, UCSD Neurobiology and Neurosciences
Does working memory require strong inhibitory signaling? [$50,000]
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute and UCSD Neurobiology
Ralph Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology
From changes in neurotransmitter identity to behavior: shedding light on a missing link in neuroplasticity [$50,000]
Marta Pratelli, UCSD Neurobiology
Donghyung Lee, UCSD Neurobiology
From worms to mice: protecting neuronal function under stress [$50,000]
Yue Sun, UCSD Biological Sciences
Erin Ritchie, UCSD Biomedical Sciences
Yishi Jin, UCSD Neurobiology
Stefano Brigidi, UCSD Neurobiology
Brenda Bloodgood, UCSD Neurobiology
Binhai Zheng, UCSD Neurosciences
Auditory deviance detection in single cells, local field potentials, and extracranial EEG [$50,000]
Teryn Johnson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Pamela Riviere, UCSD Cognitive Science
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Lara Rangel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Probing the Gut-Brain Axis in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder through connecting Brain Structure, Microbiome and Neuroactive Molecules [$50,000]
Gajender Aleti, UCSD Psychiatry
Suzi Hong, UCSD, Psychiatry and Family Medicine & Public Health
David Rosenberg, Wayne State University
Pieter C. Dorrestein, UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Rob Knight, Professor, UCSD Pediatrics
Jordan N Kohn, UCSD Psychiatry
Emily Troyer, UCSD Psychiatry
Pedro Belda-Ferre, UCSD Pediatrics
Quantifying gut instincts: combining electrical signals of the gut and brain to improve computational models of cognition and decision making [$50,000]
Pragathi Priyadharsini Balasubramani, UCSD Psychiatry
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Jyoti Mishra, UCSD Psychiatry
Investigating the Role of Rhythmic Cortical Activity in Processing of Hierarchically Organized Linguistic and Non-linguistic Sequences in Humans and Rats [$50,000]
Arturs Semenuks, UCSD Cognitive Science
Pamela Riviere, UCSD Cognitive Science
Teryn Johnson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Lara Rangel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Characterization of the activity and roles of ND-linked chromatin regulators [$50,000]
Alon Goren, UCSD Medicine
Christopher Benner, UCSD Medicine
Bifurcate top-down circuits for the control of breathing [$50,000]
Jinho Jhang, Salk Institute
Shijia Liu, UCSD Biological Sciences
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Neurobiology
Predicting infection outcome using nongenetic differences in brain structure [$50,000]
Robert M. Gallant, UCSD Biological Sciences
Janelle S. Ayres, Salk Institute
Benjamin S. McKenna, UCSD Psychiatry
Uri Manor, Salk Institute
Small changes in the genome, big leaps in brain connectivity for humankind: Contributions of uniquely human traits to psychiatric disorders [$50,000]
Carolina Makowski, UCSD Radiology
Chi-Hua Chen, UCSD Radiology
Anders Dale, UCSD Radiology, Neuroscience, and Psychiatry
Chun Chieh Fan, UCSD Center for Human Development
Kun Zhang, UCSD Bioengineering
Jingjing Zou, UCSD Family Medicine & Public Health
Cognitive control of word retrieval in speech production through cortical layers [$50,000]
Eric Halgren, UCSD Neurosciences
Sharona Ben-Haim, UCSD Neurosurgery
Jerry Shih, UCSD Neurosciences
Stephanie Ries, SDSU School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Directing routes: How neurons in superficial subiculum may contribute to spatial concept formation [$50,000]
Ryan J. Place, UCSD Cognitive Science
Douglas Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
David Kleinfeld, UCSD Physics
CaMPARI in C. elegans: monitoring temporal information flow [$50,000]
Amy Pribadi, UCSD Biology
Sreekanth H. Chalasani, Salk Institute
Eric R. Schreiter, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Downloading a Brain into a Robot [$50,000]
Gerald Pao, Salk Institute
George Sugihara, UCSD SIO
Chen Min Yeh, Salk Institute
Hiroaki Natsukawa, Kyoto University
Genetic influences on human cortical variation [$50,000]
Kari L. Hanson, UCSD Institute for Neural Computation
Burke Q. Rosen, UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program
Chun Chieh Fan, Center for Human Development
Nimish Pratha, UCSD Linguistics
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology and Neurosciences
Katerina Semendeferi, UCSD Anthropology
Constructing a brain-wide neuromodulatory map underlying complex social behaviors [$50,000]
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Ralph J. Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology and Cognitive Science
Takeo Katsuki, UCSD KIBM
Jean-Francois Ferveur, University of Burgundy
Behavioral and physiological co-dynamics of rodent social interactions [$50,000]
Andrea A. Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Laleh K. Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Tajana Rosing, UCSD CSE and ECE
Assessing the neural correlate for reinforcement learning using high-speed tracking and optogenetic manipulation of brain activity in freely flying Drosophila [$50,000]
Nick Gravish, UCSD MAE
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Imputing Molecular Endophenotypes from Genome Wide Association Data to Understand Biological Pathways Leading to Psychiatric Disorders [$50,000]
Robert Loughnan, UCSD Cognitive Science
Terry L. Jernigan, UCSD Cognitive Science, Psychiatry, and Radiology
Anders M. Dale, UCSD Radiology, Neuroscience, and Psychiatry
Trey Ideker, UCSD Medicine and Bioengineering
Eran Mukamel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Adaptive Laser Power Transfer for Ecologically Situated Neuroscience in Freely Behaving Animals [$50,000]
Marcelo Aguilar-Rivera, UCSD Bioengineering
Phillip Kyriakakis, UCSD Bioengineering
Kuo-Fen Lee, Salk Institute
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Bridging the brain-mind gap in schizophrenia with iPSC-derived model systems [$50,000]
Anna Devor, UCSD Neurosciences and Radiology
Alysson R. Muotri, UCSD Pediatrics and Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Anders M. Dale, UCSD Neurosciences and Radiology
Multifunctional nanoprobes for optical, electrical and chemical interrogation of brain circuits [$50,000]
Donald Sirbuly, UCSD NanoEngineering
Axel Nimmerjahn, Salk Institute
Impact of early life trauma on vulnerability to obesity: Dissecting the action of neuropeptide receptors in brain circuits [$50,000]
Sora Shin, UCSD Biological Sciences
Sung Han, Salk Institute
Novelty detection in the brain: A computer science perspective [$50,000]
Saket Navlakha, Salk Institute
Charles F. Stevens, UCSD KIBM and Salk Institute
Deconstructing the energy production rules for neuronal network oscillations and cognitive function [$50,000]
Silvia Viana da Silva, UCSD Biological Sciences
Gulcin Pekkurnaz, UCSD Biological Sciences
Stefan Leutgeb, UCSD Biological Sciences
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Biological Sciences
Dissecting the neural control of fine movements: Novel high-density arrays for spinal recording and behavioral quantification [$50,000]
Eiman Azim, Salk Institute and UCSD Biological Sciences
Shadi Dayeh, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brain Dynamics During Cooperative Learning By Children and Adults [$50,000]
Julia Anna Adrian, UCSD Cognitive Science
Gedeon O. Deák, UCSD Cognitive Science
Tzyy-Ping Jung, UCSD Bioengineering
Siddharth Siddharth, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia de Sa, UCSD Cognitive Science
Unraveling the temporal envelope of behavior: spectral coding in basal ganglia outflow [$50,000]
Xin Jin, Salk Institute
Jason Klug, Salk Institute
David Peterson, Salk Institute
Craig Evinger, Stony Brook University
Rhythmic coordination: A Mechanism for Efficient Processing of Information from Multiple Sources [$50,000]
Lara Rangel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Pamela Riviere, UCSD Cognitive Science
Gabriel Schamberg, UCSD Bioengineering
Jerry Scott, UCSD Cognitive Science
The coding capacity of distributed circuits [$50,000]
Shyam Srinivasan, UCSD KIBM
Gerald Pao, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Climate Atmospheric Sciences and Physical Oceanography and Salk Institute
Keeping it “in mind”: a role for de novo methylation in working memory [$50,000]
M. Margarita Behrens, Salk Institute and UCSD Psychiatry
Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Salk Institute
Susan Powell, UCSD Psychiatry
Bridging the Brain-Mind Gap Through SCATS - a Novel Approach to Define Transcriptome Dynamics in Single Cells [$50,000]
Miles Wilkinson, Ob/Gyn Reproductive Sciences
Kun Zhang, UCSD Bioengineering
Dana Burow, UCSD Reproductive Medicine
Development of Nanobody-Evolved Optical Neuropeptide Sensors (NEONS) [$50,000]
Matthew Banghart, UCSD Neurobiology
Geoffrey Chang, UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Pharmacology
Neuro-Clear: Transparent Graphene Arrays for Multimodal Probing of Brain Circuits [$50,000]
Duygu Kuzum, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Takaki Komiyama, UCSD Neurobiology and Neurosciences
Deciphering the olfactory map with a novel optogenetic tool [$50,000]
Chih-Ying Su, UCSD Neurobiology
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Ralph Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology and Cognitive Science
Thinking Vision: Causal Study of Figure-Ground Segregation as Probabilistic Inference Using Optogenetics [$50,000]
Tom P. Franken, Salk Institute
John H. Reynolds, Salk Institute
Edward M. Callaway, Salk Institute
Ralf M. Haefner, University of Rochester
Pieter R. Roelfsema, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Bridging Structure and Function with Neural Oscillations in iPSC-derived Cortical Organoids [$50,000]
Bradley Voytek, UCSD Cognitive Science
Alysson Muotri, UCSD Pediatrics and Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Richard Gao, UCSD Cognitive Science
Tunmise Olayinka, UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program
Testing the Vocal-Vagal Hypothesis [$45,000]
Pamela Reinagel, UCSD Neurobiology
Timothy Gentner, UCSD Psychology and Neurobiology
Eric Bakovic, UCSD Linguistics
Anna Mai, UCSD Linguistics
Linda Hill, UCSD Family Medicine & Public Health
Using machine learning to identify stress-related neural networks [$45,000]
Chen-Min Yeh, Salk Institute
Gerald Pao, Salk Institute
Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Shrek Chalasani, Salk Institute
Alex Groisman, UCSD Physics
A highly sensitive red light activated gene switch for optically guided transsynaptic viral tracers [$50,000]
Phillip Kyriakakis, UCSD Bioengineering
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Daniel Gibbs, UCSD Neurosciences
Teresa Grider, UCSD Neurosciences
Does better discrimination reduce learning latency? [$50,000]
Shyam Srinivasan, UCSD KIBM
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Massimo Vergassola, UCSD Physics
Investigating the roots of agency in the fly brain [$50,000]
Sophie Aimon, Salk Institute
Ralph Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology and Cognitive Science
Alex Lang, Salk Institute
Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Decoding sensorymotor neural signals for vocal communication [$50,000]
Ezequiel Arneodo, UCSD BioCircuits Institute
Tim Gentner, UCSD Psychology
Vikash Gilja, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gert Cauwenberghs, UCSD Bioengineering
How fly olfactory receptor neurons respond to odor mixtures [$50,000]
Charles F. Stevens, UCSD KIBM, Salk Institute
Chih-Ying Su, UCSD Division of Biological Sciences
A window into the mind: Monitoring whole-brain activity with single cell resolution in freely behaving fruit flies [$50,000]
Dhruv Grover, UCSD KIBM
Takeo Katsuki, UCSD KIBM
Ralph J. Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology and Cognitive Science
Pamela Cosman, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Zhaowei Liu, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Systems- and Synaptic-Level Overcoupling in Major Depressive Disorder [$50,000]
Tam Tran, UCSD Neurosciences
Sage Aronson, UCSD Neurosciences
Bradley Voytek, UCSD, Cognitive Science
Roberto Malinow, UCSD Neurobiology and Neurosciences
Amplifying Cognitive Sets: A Chemogenetic Approach to Strengthening Ensemble Firing Patterns of the Basal Forebrain [$50,000]
Douglas A. Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
James Conner, UCSD Neurobiology
Alyssa Lundgren, UCSD Cognitive Science
Andrew Alexander, UCSD Cognitive Science
Structural Neuroplasticity of Identified Microcircuits Investigated by Novel EM Probe Technology [$50,000]
Daniela Boassa, UCSD NCMIR, CRBS
Davide Dulcis, UCSD Psychiatry
Benedetto Romoli, UCSD Psychiatry
Exploring the role of network pruning in cellular differentiation [$50,000]
Saket Navlakha, Salk Institute
Gerald Pao, Salk Institute
Manching Ku, Salk Institute
Developing Deep In-Vivo Two-Photon Ca2+ Imaging to Study Temporal Pattern Separation [$38,000]
Matthew Shtrahman, Salk Institute, UCSD Neurosciences
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
Neural Mechanisms for the Perception of Motion in Natural Environments [$50,000]
Thomas D. Albright, Salk Institute
Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute
A Neurobehavioral Foundation for Affective Computing: Rat-Robot Brain-Computer Interfaces For Dynamic Interaction [$25,000]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Virginia de Sa, UCSD Cognitive Science
Laleh Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Eric Leonardis, UCSD Cognitive Science
Ramesh Maddula, UCSD Computer Science
Relapse at the intersection of addiction and neurogenesis: Using a novel behavioral paradigm to assess the role of pattern separation in ethanol relapse [$25,000]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
Pai-Kai Huang, UCSD Cognitive Science
Eunice Mejia, Salk Institute
Persistence of memory: a role for non-neuronal cells [$50,000]
Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Salk Institute
Xin Wang, Salk Institute
Shyam Srinivasan, UCSD KIBM
Terry J. Sejnowski, Salk Institute and UCSD Neurobiology
Development of a nano-robotic toolkit for ultrahigh precision neuron targeting and manipulation [$50,000]
Peichao Li, Salk Institute
Joseph Wang, UCSD Nanoengineering
Jinxing Li, UCSD Nanoengineering
Edward Callaway, Salk Institute
Espoir M. Kyubwa, Salk Institute and UCSD Bioengineering
Berta Esteban Fernández de Ávila, UCSD Nanoengineering
Wenjuan Liu, UCSD Nanoengineering
Tianlong Li, UCSD Nanoengineering
Isaac Rozen, UCSD Nanoengineering
Reconciling Mnemonic and Spatial Functions of the Hippocampus in Marmoset [$50,000]
Samuel U. Nummela, UCSD Psychology
Cory Miller, UCSD Psychology
John Wixted, UCSD Psychology
Jill Leutgeb, UCSD Neurobiology
The impact of literacy on cognition and language processing as revealed by a unique sample of nonliterate older adults [$50,000]
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science
Hsu-Wen Huang, National Taiwan Normal University
Kara Federmeier, University of Illinois
Elizabeth Stine-Morrow, University of Illinois
Finding parallels: the role of the subiculum in neural encoding of object-environment alignment [$50,000]
Jacob M. Olson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Douglas Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
Bradley Voytek, UCSD Cognitive Science
Illuminating the bridge between body and mind: Optical sensing and modulation of interoceptive information from the vagus nerve [$50,000]
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Marcelo Aguilar-Rivera, UCSD Bioengineering
Phillip Kyriakakis, UCSD Bioengineering
Laleh K. Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Andrea A. Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Beyond the Connectome: How Non-Synaptic Neuronal Mechanisms Modulate Circuit and Behavior [$50,000]
Chih-Ying Su, UCSD Neurobiology
Mark H. Ellisman, UCSD Neurosciences and NCMIR
A price paid by being Human? Finding the natural selection signals of polygenic risk for severe psychiatric illness and their contributions to brain morphology [$50,000]
Chun Chieh Fan, UCSD Cognitive Science
Terry L. Jernigan, UCSD Cognitive Science, Psychiatry, and Radiology
Anders M. Dale, UCSD Radiology, Neurosciences, and Cognitive Science
Zhuowen Tu, UCSD Cognitive Science and CSE
Vineet Bafna, UCSD CSE
Sonogenetics - a novel, non-invasive approach to manipulating neuronal activity [$50,000]
Sreekanth Chalasani, Salk Institute
Daniel Gibbs, UCSD Neurosciences
Stuart Ibsen, Salk Institute
Engineering novel molecular tools to manipulate neuropeptide signaling [$50,000]
Kenta Asahina, Salk Institute
Byungkook Lim, UCSD Neurobiology
An fMRI Experiment on How the Brain Understands Violence [$30,000]
James Fowler, UCSD Political Science
Martin Paulus, UCSD Psychiatry
"A-HA!" A Novel Behavioral Paradigm and Proposed Neural Mechanism of Spatial Insights in Rats [$30,000]
Andrew Alexander, UCSD Cognitive Science
Douglas Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
Jeffrey Krichmar, UC Irvine Cognitive Science
Novel Technique to Regulate Synaptic Weight in Neural Circuits [$30,000]
Yimin Zou, UCSD Neurobiology
Stefan Leutgeb, UCSD Neurobiology
Probing the Mind of Mating Flies: The Neuronal Mechanisms of Behavioral Exclusivity During Drosophila Sexual Behavior [$30,000]
Ralph Greenspan, UCSD Neurobiology and Cognitive Science
Takeo Katsuki, UCSD KIBM
Jurgen Schulze, UCSD Qualcomm Institute
Donald Pfaff, Rockefeller University
Light Controlled Gene Expression by Flexible Opto-electronics [$30,000]
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Gentry Patrick, UCSD Neurobiology
Marianne Catanho, UCSD Bioengineering
Lara Dozier, UCSD Neurobiology
Nicole Hoffner, UCSD Bioengineering
The Basal Ganglia and Language: Investigations into Syntactic Processing in Parkinson's Patients [$30,000]
Mieko Ueno, UCSD Cognitive Science
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science and Neurosciences
Irene Litvan, UCSD Neurosciences
Laura Kemmer, Pacific Lutheran University
Shugo Suwazono, Okinawa Hospital
Informing Genome-Wide Association Analyses with Patterns of DNA Methylation to Identify SNPs Associated with Variability in Prefrontal Structure, Executive Function and Schizophrenia [$30,000]
Christopher Keown, UCSD Cognitive Science
Terry Jernigan, UCSD Cognitive Science, Psychiatry, and Radiology
Anders Dale, UCSD Neurosciences, Radiology, and Psychiatry
Eran Mukamel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Wesley Thompson, UCSD Psychiatry
Extracting Principles of Random Maps from Frog Olfactory Systems [$30,000]
Shyam Srinivasan, UCSD KIBM
Charles Stevens, Salk Institute and UCSD KIBM
Christopher Kintner, Salk Institute
A Novel Test of the Grounded Cognition Hypothesis in Grapheme-Color Synesthetes [$30,000]
Ben Amsel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Be Still Thy Fluttering Heart: Using the Interoceptive System to Understand Social Responding to a Novel Animat Social Neuroscience Tool [$30,000]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Laleh Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
Todd Coleman, UCSD Bioengineering
Socially Situated Neuroscience: Creating a socially navigating autonomous rat as a novel tool for assessing social influences on neuronal function [$30,000]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Laleh Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Janet Wiles, School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland
Left to Its Own Devices: Is Left Hemispheric Specialization for Speech Special? [$30,000]
Carson Dance, UCSD Cognitive Science
Gedeon Deák, UCSD Cognitive Science
Sarah Creel, UCSD Cognitive Science
Synaptic mechanisms for natural signal integration [$30,000]
Timothy Gentner, UCSD Psychology
Massimo Scanziani, UCSD Neurobiology
Krista Perks, UCSD Neurosciences
Dissecting the pathways of action sequence learning: From multisite optogenetics to computational models [$30,000]
Xin Jin, Salk Institute, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory
Jason Klug, Salk Institute, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory
David Peterson, UCSD Institute for Neural Computation
Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute, Computational Neurobiology Laboratory
How rats decide to decide [$30,000]
Pamela Reinagel, UCSD Neurobiology
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Pai-Kai Huang, UCSD Cognitive Science
The Perception of Facial Expressions: The Influence of Presence on Spontaneous Mimicry and Neural Activity [$30,000]
Ayse P. Saygin, UCSD Cognitive Science
Piotr Winkielman, UCSD Psychology
Galit Hofree, UCSD Psychology
Burcu A. Urgen, UCSD Cognitive Science
Development of a novel and innovative electrochemical biosensor for the detection of zeptomolar changes to nicotine-induced biomarkers in NG2 cells [$30,000]
Joseph Wang, UCSD Nanoengineering
Danielle John, UCSD Neurobiology
Aoife O’Mahony, UCSD Nanoengineering
A Broadly Distributed Memory Signal in Neurons of the Human Hippocampus [$30,000]
John Wixted, UCSD Psychology
Larry Squire, UCSD Psychiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology
Peter Steinmetz, Barrow Neurological Institute
Developing marmosets as a model for visual neuroscience and optogenetics research [$29,550]
Jude F. Mitchell, Salk Institute
John H. Reynolds, Salk Institute
Cory T. Miller, UCSD Psychology
Effect of Prenatal Nicotine Exposure on Dopamine Expression and Reward- Seeking/Addictive behaviors [$30,000]
Davide Dulcis, UCSD Neurobiology
Nicholas Spitzer, UCSD Neurobiology
Darwin Berg, UCSD Neurobiology
Adrian Lozada, UCSD Neurobiology
Melanie Kucharksi, UCSD Neurobiology
Dolphin Social Attention in a Fission/Fusion Ecology [$30,000]
Edwin Hutchins, UCSD Cognitive Science
Christine Johnson, UCSD Cognitive Science
John Hildebrand, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Remembering to control yourself: Parsing brain networks for self-control using simultaneous EEG and fMRI [$30,000]
Jan R. Wessel, UCSD Psychology
Adam R. Aron, UCSD Psychology
Thomas T. Liu, UCSD Radiology
The application of resting state fMRI and EEG coherence to a mouse model of a neurodevelopmental disorder [$30,040]
David N. Lieberman, UCSD Neurosciences
Jeanne Townsend, UCSD Neurosciences and Cognitive Science
Jonathan Bui, UCSD Neurosciences
I see what you're saying: Testing a multisensory learning paradigm for speech-in-noise comprehension [$30,000]
Thomas P. Urbach, UCSD Cognitive Science
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science and Neurosciences
Pediatric neural architecture of polygenic risk for dyslexia [$29,988]
Andrew J. Schork, UCSD Cognitive Science
Anders Dale, UCSD Radiology, Neurosciences, and Psychiatry
Terry Jernigan, UCSD Cognitive Science, Psychiatry, and Radiology
Wesley Thompson, UCSD Psychiatry
Ole Andreassen, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
Real-time EEG analysis for improving memory [$30,722]
Virginia de Sa, UCSD Cognitive Science
Eunho Noh, UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science
Tim Curran, University of Colorado, Boulder Psychology
Grit Herzmann, University of Colorado, Boulder Psychology
The development of neural language processing after childhood [$30,000]
Rachel I. Mayberry, UCSD Linguistics
Naja Ferjan Ramirez, UCSD Linguistics
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology
Matt Leonard, UCSD Radiology
Dissociating multi-voxel activation patterns of spatial and temporal episodic memory using high spatial resolution fMRI with advanced distortion correction [$30,000]
Emilie Reas, UCSD Neurosciences
James Brewer, UCSD Radiology and Neurosciences
John Serences, UCSD Psychology
Anders Dale, UCSD Neurosciences, Radiology, and Cognitive Science
Encoding Behavioral Experience Within Highly Specific Neuronal Circuits in the Brain: Structural and Electrophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Learning [$30,000]
Mark H. Tuszynski, UCSD Neurosciences
Massimo Scanziani, UCSD Neurobiology
Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Compassion and Empathy in Aging [$30,000]
Lisa T. Eyler, UCSD Psychiatry
Colin Depp, UCSD Psychiatry
Shahrokh Golshan, UCSD Psychiatry
Dilip Jeste, UCSD Psychiatry and Neurosciences
Barton Palmer, UCSD Psychiatry
Wesley Thompson, UCSD Psychiatry
Mary Devereaux, UCSD Bioethics
Philippe Goldin, Stanford Psychology
Lawrence Palinkas, UCSD Medicine and USC Social Work
Interneurons As Clock-Free Regulators of Neural Information Transfer [$30,000]
Douglas Nitz, UCSD Cognitive Science
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland, Australia
Cortical Plasticity of Body Representations Following Tool Use [$30,122]
Luke Miller, UCSD Cognitive Science
Ayse P. Saygin, UCSD Cognitive Science
Matthew Longo, Birkbeck College, University of London
Computational, Behavioral, and Functional Anatomical Basis for Receptive Visual Processing of Emotional and Cultural Information of Human Faces [$30,230]
Frank Haist, UCSD Psychiatry
Marian Bartlett, UCSD Institute for Neural Computation
Maha Adamo, UCSD Center for Human Development
Joshua Susskind, UCSD Institute for Neural Computation
Kang Lee, University of Toronto and Zhejang Science & Technical University, China
Event-Related Brain Potential Measures of the Acquisition of Grammatical Constraints [$30,000]
Marta Kutas, UCSD Cognitive Science and Neurosciences
Farrell Ackerman, UCSD Linguistics
Jeremy Boyd, University of Illinois Psychology
Novel Role of Glia in Brain Function: Modulation of Gamma Oscillations [$30,000]
Stephen Heinemann, Salk Institute
Hosuk Sean Lee, Salk Institute
Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Salk Institute
Xin Wang, Salk Institute
Terrence Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Amanda Roberts, Scripps Research Institute
Anatomical Connections Among Neuronal Circuits [$30,000]
William Kristan, UCSD Neurobiology
Mark Ellisman, UCSD Neurosciences
Jason Pipkin, UCSD Neurosciences
Eric A. Bushong, UCSD Neurosciences
From Single Neurons to Perception: Theoretical Principles and Neuronal Mechanisms [$30,000]
Thomas D. Albright, Salk Institute
Sergei Gepshtein, Salk Institute
Babbling Baby Neurons in the Dentate Gyrus [$30,000]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
Laleh Quinn, UCSD Cognitive Science
Lara Rangel, UCSD Neurosciences
Development and Plasticity of Medical Entorhinal Cortex-Hippocampus Spatial Maps [$30,000]
Stefan Leutgeb, UCSD Neurobiology
Yimin Zou, UCSD Neurobiology
Population Codes with Natural Stimuli in Primary Visual Cortex [$30,000]
Ian Nauhaus, Salk Institute
Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
Kristina Nielsen, Salk Institute
Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute
Is Seeing Believing? Examining the Role of Cortico-cortical Feedback for Perception [$30,000]
Hendrikje Nienborg, Salk Institute
Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
John Reynolds, Salk Institute
Ali Cetin, Salk Institute
John Curtis, Salk Institute
Spatio-temporal Neuroimaging of Conscious and Non-conscious Visual Processing [$30,000]
Michael Pitts, UCSD Neurosciences
Steven Hillyard, UCSD Neurosciences
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology, Neurosciences, and Psychiatry
Exploring Human - Chimpanzee Neuronal Differences Using Pluripotent Stem Cells [$33,545]
Katerina Semendeferi, UCSD Anthropology
Alysson Muotri, UCSD School of Medicine
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
Neurohistological Analysis of the Brains of Two Memory-impaired Patients (EP and AB) [$30,000]
Larry R. Squire, San Diego VA Healthcare System and Psychiatry, UCSD Psychology and Neurosciences
Jacopo Annese, UCSD Radiology
David Amaral, UC Davis Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, M.I.N.D. Institute
Exploring the Function of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis: A Neuronal Activity Analysis [$30,000]
Fred H. Gage, Salk Institute
Wei Deng, Salk Institute
Michael Saxe, Salk Institute
James B. Aimone, Salk Institute
Mark Mayford, Scripps Research Institute
The Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Bilingual Lexical Representation [$30,000]
Matthew Leonard, UCSD Cognitive Science
Jeffrey Elman, UCSD Cognitive Science
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology
Timothy Brown, UCSD Psychiatry
Katherine Travis, UCSD Neurosciences
Rachel Mayberry, UCSD Linguistics
Functional Consequences of the Attentional Enhancement of Gamma Oscillatory Activity [$30,000]
Stephani Otte, UCSD Neuroscience
Andrea Hasenstaub, Salk Institute
Takuma Mori, Salk Institute
Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
Emily Anderson, Salk Institute
John Reynolds, Salk Institute
Developmental Changes in the Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Processing [$30,000]
Tim Brown, UCSD Psychiatry
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology
Doris Trauner, UCSD Neurosciences
Anders Dale, UCSD Neurosciences
Joint Attention and the Neural Correlates of Word Learning in Human Infants [$30,000]
Katherine Travis, UCSD Neurosciences
Jeffrey Elman, UCSD Cognitive Science
Timothy Brown, UCSD Psychiatry
Anders Dale, UCSD Radiology
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology
Mingxiong Huang, UCSD Radiology
Megan Curran, UCSD Cognitive Science
Towards a Rat Model of Blindsight [$30,000]
Pamela Reinagel, UCSD Biology
Relating Specific Neuronal Network Structure and Function to Perceptual Experience in vivo [$30,000]
James Marshel, UCSD Neurosciences
Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
Takuma Mori, Salk Institute
Kristina Nielsen, Salk Institute
Brain Mechanisms of Multisensory Perceptual Learning [$30,000]
Gene R. Stoner, Salk Institute
Ladan Shams, UCLA
Semantic Categorization in the Ventral Stream: Investigating the 'Tool' Category with fMRI and EEG in Awake Non-human Primates [$30,000]
Tom Albright, Salk Institute
Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, Salk Institute
Jeng-Ren Duann, UCSD Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Tzyy-Ping Jung, UCSD Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
The Evolutionary Forerunners of Consciousness [$39,450]
Patricia S. Churchland, UCSD Philosophy
Ralph Greenspan, UCSD KIBM
A Neuroimaging Investigation of the Component Processes of Recognition Memory [$27,900]
John Wixted, UCSD Psychology
Peter Wais, UCSD Psychology
Exploring the Behavioral Consequences of Neurogenesis in Dentate Gyrus [$9,006]
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
Disruption of the Balance Between Self-Control and Impulsivity in Stimulant Users: How Processing Time in the Brain Affects Decision Making [$30,000]
Martin Paulus, UCSD Psychiatry
Marc Wittmann, UCSD Psychiatry
Molecular Conservation in the Hippocampus of Vertebrates [$30,000]
Harvey J. Karten, UCSD Neurosciences
Ethan Bier, UCSD Cell and Developmental Biology
Joint Attention and the Neural Correlates of Word Learning in Human Infants [$30,000]
Katie Travis, UCSD Neurosciences
Jeffrey Elman, UCSD Cognitive Science
Eric Halgren, UCSD Radiology
Anders Dale, UCSD Radiology
Tim Brown, UCSD Psychiatry
Mingxiong Huang, UCSD Radiology
Elizabeth Redcay, UCSD Cognitive Science
Matthew Leonard, UCSD Cognitive Science
From Sounds to Songs: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Sensorimotor Transformations in Vocal Communication [$30,000]
Timothy Gentner, UCSD Psychology
Henry Abarbanel, UCSD Physics, Scripps Research Institute
Neural Basis of Metaphorical Abstraction: A Functional Magnetic Resonancestudy of Ego-Reference-Point Spatial Construals of Time [$33,300]
Rafael Nunez, UCSD Cognitive Science
Ruey-Song Huang, Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Martin Sereno, UCSD Cognitive Science
A New Approach to Exploring Hippocampal Function. Evaluating Encoding, Storage and Retrieval Using Reversible Lesions [$29,823]
Robert E. Clark, UCSD Psychiatry
Larry R. Squire, UCSD Psychiatry, VAMCSD
Identifying Structural Neural Correlates during Sleep Memory Consolidation [$30,000]
Philip Low, Salk Institute
Terrence J. Sejnowski, Salk Institute and UCSD Neurobiology
Fred H. Gage, UCSD Neurosciences
A Study of Normal Infants and Infants at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) [$30,000]
Karen Dobkins, UCSD Psychology
Vivian Ciaramitaro, UCSD Psychology
Relating Specific Neuronal Network Structure and Function to Perceptual Experience In Vivo [$30,000]
James Marshel, Salk Institute
Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
David Lyon, Salk Institute
Ian Wickersham, Salk Institute
Exploring the Neural Basis of Visual Perception [$30,000]
Anirvan Ghosh, UCSD Neurobiology
Massimo Scanziani, UCSD Neurobiology
Neural correlates of social referencing in children with autism [$30,000]
Leslie Carver, UCSD Psychology
Karen Dobkins, UCSD Psychology
Aubyn Stahmer, UCSD Psychology
Developing adaptive minds: Neural and behavioral dynamics of cognitive flexibility in childhood [$32,220]
Gedeon Deak, UCSD Cognitive Science
Nicholas J. Cepeda, UCSD Psychology
Rita Ceponiene, UCSD Center for Research in Language
Alan Lincoln, San Diego Center for Autism Research
Jeanne Townsend, UCSD Neurosciences
A new look at the workings of the visual system: from retinal output to dyslexia [$28,045]
Rita Ceponiene, UCSD Center for Research in Language
Robert Galambos, UCSD Neurosciences
Angela Ballantyne, UCSD Neurosciences
Jeanne Townsend, UCSD Neurosciences
Beverly Wulfeck, UCSD Center for Research in Language
Lesion-symptom mapping and pragmatic language comprehension [$29,700]
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Nina Dronkers, Martinez VA Hospital
Suzanne Moineau, UCSD Center for Research in Language
Does sleep require a brain? [$39,100]
Ralph Greenspan, San Diego Neurosciences Institute
Overcoming overlearning [$31,300]
Mathew D. McCubbins, UCSD Political Science
Seana Coulson, UCSD Cognitive Science
Darren Schreiber, UCSD Political Science
Is the thalamus the gatekeeper of sensory awareness? [$30,000]
Pamela Reinagel, UCSD Neurobiology
Philip Meier, UCSD Computational Neurobiology
Erik Flister, UCSD Computational Neurobiology
Neural substrates of socio-emotional processing: from evolution and development to pathology [$35,000]
Katerina Semendeferi, UCSD Anthropology
Eric Courchesne, UCSD Neurosciences
Lisa Stefanacci, Salk Institute and UCSD Psychiatry
The cross-race effect: Testing the configural processing superiority hypothesis [$30,300]
Frank Haist, UCSD Psychiatry
Joan Stiles, UCSD Cognitive Science
Kang Lee, UCSD Psychology
Hongchuan Zhang, UCSD Psychology
Zhiying Long, UCSD Psychiatry
Deborah Weiss, UCSD Center for Human Development
Sarah Noonan, Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
The Measurement of Neurotransmitters and Single Cell Recordings during Tasks from Awake Patients Undergoing Brain Surgery [$30,000]
Robert J. Buchanan, UCSD Surgery
Ron Kuczenski, UCSD Psychiatry and Neurosciences
Ann M. Graybiel, MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Reseach
Larry Squire, UCSD Neurosciences
A Pilot Proposal For Investigating The Role of The Amygdala in Social Cognition Across Animals [$41,765]
Andrea Chiba, UCSD Cognitive Science
How a Neuron Becomes a Mirror in the Developing Brain: An Electrophysiological Study [$34,623]
Rita Ceponiene, UCSD Center for Research in Language
Psychophysical Studies of the Magnocellular and Dorsal Stream as a Phenotypic Marker for Autism Spectrum Disorders [$28,893]
Karen Dobkins, UCSD Psychology
Joe McCleery, UCSD Psychology
Molecular Genetic Characterization Of the Lesch Nyhan Disease – A Cognitive and Behavioral Disorder [$29,600]
Theodore Friedmann, UCSD Pediatrics
Neurogenesis in Dentate Gyrus: A Computational Exploration [$30,000]
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
James B. Aimone, Salk Institute
Janet Wiles, Salk Institute
Generation of a Novel Inducible Silencing System in Mice to Explore the Role of GABAergic Activity in Brain Development and Function [$30,000]
Anirvan Ghosh, UCSD Neurobiology
Massimo Scanziani, UCSD Neurobiology
Relating Functional and Physical Long-Distance Connectivity in Development [$30,280]
John Lewis, UCSD Cognitive Science
Jeanne Townsend, UCSD Neurosciences
Marissa Westerfield, Institute for Neural Computation
Scott Makeig, Institute for Neural Computation
Larry Frank, UCSD Radiology
Brain Dynamics and Motor Control [$30,000]
Howard Poizner, Institute for Neural Computation
Terrence Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Scott Makeig, Institute for Neural Computation
Exploring Consciousness in Blindsight and Hypnosis [$30,000]
V.S. Ramachandran, UCSD Psychology
Investigating Human Brain Responses to the Movements and Actions of Humanoid Robots and Androids [$33,555]
Ayse P. Saygin, UCSD Cognitive Science
Javier Movellan, Institute for Neural Computation
Martin Sereno, UCSD Cognitive Science
Cortical Models of Fluid Intelligence [$5,850]
Terrence Sejnowski, Salk Institute
Denise Garlick, Registered Nurse