Event Dates (Pacific Time):
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 - 5:00 PM to 9:00 PMVenue Space:
Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine – Roth Auditorium
This event is open to any UCSD students, grad students, postdocs or assistant project scientists. Hosted event parking will be provided.
Are you being told that you should network, but no one provides a framework of HOW to network? Start off 2019 by learning how to network!
Mary Canady, Founder and Leader of San Diego Biotechnology Network (SDBN), will provide an overview of networking foundations in this interactive session! She will provide some tips and advice on networking including crafting your elevator speech, how to approach people, conversation starters and how to follow up and stay connected with those you meet.
As a bonus for attending this session, attendees will be automatically signed up and invited to attend the SDBN Speed Networking Event immediately following this session to use the skills you’ve learned into action (NOTE: Entrance fee to the Speed Networking Event will be waived ONLY IF you attend this “How to Network” event). Be sure to bring your business cards to this event!
Mary Canady, Founder and Leader of San Diego Biotechnology Network (SDBN), will provide an overview of networking foundations in this interactive session!
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-network-tickets-53826735214