Static sound timing alters sensitivity to low-level visual motion.

TitleStatic sound timing alters sensitivity to low-level visual motion.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsKafaligonul H, Stoner GR
JournalJ Vis
Date Published2012
KeywordsAcoustic Stimulation, Attention, Auditory Perception, Humans, Motion Perception, Photic Stimulation, Sound, Time Perception

Visual motion processing is essential to survival in a dynamic world and is probably the best-studied facet of visual perception. It has been recently discovered that the timing of brief static sounds can bias visual motion perception, an effect attributed to "temporal ventriloquism" whereby the timing of the sounds "captures" the timing of the visual events. To determine whether this cross-modal interaction is dependent on the involvement of higher-order attentive tracking mechanisms, we used near-threshold motion stimuli that isolated low-level pre-attentive visual motion processing. We found that the timing of brief sounds altered sensitivity to these visual motion stimuli in a manner that paralleled changes in the timing of the visual stimuli. Our findings indicate that auditory timing impacts visual motion processing very early in the processing hierarchy and without the involvement of higher-order attentional and/or position tracking mechanisms.

Alternate JournalJ Vis
PubMed ID23035130
PubMed Central IDPMC3499981
Grant ListEY 521852 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
R01 EY012872 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
IRG Funded