KIBM Related Publications

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Nicol X, Hong KPyo, Spitzer NC.  2011.  Spatial and temporal second messenger codes for growth cone turning.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(33):13776-81.
Fan CChieh, McGrath JJ, Appadurai V, Buil A, Gandal MJ, Schork AJ, Mortensen PBo, Agerbo E, Geschwind SA, Geschwind D et al..  2018.  Spatial fine-mapping for gene-by-environment effects identifies risk hot spots for schizophrenia.. Nat Commun. 9(1):5296.
Leonard MK, Brown TT, Travis KE, Gharapetian L, Hagler DJ, Dale AM, Elman JL, Halgren E.  2010.  Spatiotemporal dynamics of bilingual word processing.. Neuroimage. 49(4):3286-94.
Travis KE, Leonard MK, Brown TT, Hagler DJ, Curran M, Dale AM, Elman JL, Halgren E.  2011.  Spatiotemporal neural dynamics of word understanding in 12- to 18-month-old-infants.. Cereb Cortex. 21(8):1832-9.
Chan AM, Dykstra AR, Jayaram V, Leonard MK, Travis KE, Gygi B, Baker JM, Eskandar E, Hochberg LR, Halgren E et al..  2014.  Speech-specific tuning of neurons in human superior temporal gyrus.. Cereb Cortex. 24(10):2679-93.
Kafaligonul H, Stoner GR.  2012.  Static sound timing alters sensitivity to low-level visual motion.. J Vis. 12(11)
Olson JM, Tongprasearth K, Nitz DA.  2017.  Subiculum neurons map the current axis of travel.. Nat Neurosci. 20(2):170-172.
Broadbent NJ, Squire LR, Clark RE.  2010.  Sustained dorsal hippocampal activity is not obligatory for either the maintenance or retrieval of long-term spatial memory.. Hippocampus. 20(12):1366-75.
Li J, Liu W, Li T, Rozen I, Zhao J, Bahari B, Kante B, Wang J.  2016.  Swimming Microrobot Optical Nanoscopy.. Nano Lett. 16(10):6604-6609.
Sarkar A, Marchetto MC, Gage FH.  2015.  Synaptic activity: An emerging player in schizophrenia.. Brain Res.
Xiao Q, Xu L, Spitzer NC.  2010.  Target-dependent regulation of neurotransmitter specification and embryonic neuronal calcium spike activity.. J Neurosci. 30(16):5792-801.
Marshel JH, Mori T, Nielsen KJ, Callaway EM.  2010.  Targeting single neuronal networks for gene expression and cell labeling in vivo.. Neuron. 67(4):562-74.
Sriram B, Meier PM, Reinagel P.  2016.  Temporal and spatial tuning of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus neurons in unanesthetized rats.. J Neurophysiol. 115(5):2658-71.
Wittmann M, Paulus MP.  2009.  Temporal horizons in decision making.. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 2:1.
Miller LE, Longo MR, Saygin AP.  2014.  Tool morphology constrains the effects of tool use on body representations.. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 40(6):2143-53.
Harrison BJ, Venkat G, Hutson T, Rau KK, Bunge MBartlett, Mendell LM, Gage FH, Johnson RD, Hill C, Rouchka EC et al..  2015.  Transcriptional changes in sensory ganglia associated with primary afferent axon collateral sprouting in spared dermatome model.. Genom Data. 6:249-52.
Greenspan RJ.  1995.  Understanding the genetic construction of behavior.. Sci Am. 272(4):72-8.
Noh E, Herzmann G, Curran T, de Sa VR.  2014.  Using single-trial EEG to predict and analyze subsequent memory.. Neuroimage. 84:712-23.
Wu S-T, Chen J-Y, Martin V, Ng R, Zhang Y, Grover D, Greenspan RJ, Aljadeff J, Su C-Y.  2022.  Valence opponency in peripheral olfactory processing.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(5)
Katz P, Grillner S, Wilson R, Borst A, Greenspan R, Buzsáki G, Martin K, Marder E, Kristan W, Friedrich R et al..  2013.  Vertebrate versus invertebrate neural circuits.. Curr Biol. 23(12):R504-6.
Glavis-Bloom C, Vanderlip CR, Novak SWeiser, Kuwajima M, Kirk L, Harris KM, Manor U, Reynolds JH.  2023.  Violation of the ultrastructural size principle in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex underlies working memory impairment in the aged common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).. Front Aging Neurosci. 15:1146245.
Pitts MA, Martínez A, Hillyard SA.  2012.  Visual processing of contour patterns under conditions of inattentional blindness.. J Cogn Neurosci. 24(2):287-303.
